Repair Services

Due to ever-decreasing down times and full-capacity or even excessive workloads (more than 20 %) of the aggregates, the service intervals of the operational staff can hardly be met. Old control units are operated at their upper limit, while the metallurgical conditions have changed, e.g. regarding the two-level-metallurgy.

Thus the outdated controller presets are no longer applicable. Different production batches have changed the setting parameters of the electrode regulations.

The average age of the service staff of steel plants and foundries is getting lower, older techniques and control practices are no longer taught and shared.

Today, the manufacturing companies are offering more modern products (e.g. Simatic S7). Older, more robust technologies have to keep up with the new, progressive developments in terms of quality, batch times and production costs. The replacement of whole plant systems would be very cost-intensive.


  • Repair works on controller modules of electrohydraulic (RV125/ RV150) and electronic-hydraulic control systems (BBC, DEMAG-FEIG, KGYV)

  • Replacement of defective components within control panels, fabrication of circuit boards as replacement components

  • Adjustment and measurement-based determination of the basic values of circuit boards (Type Feig, KGYV)

  • Replacement and adjustment of mechanical controllers (Type BBC CHza Ferraris)

  • Technological advice and modification of system-related furnace components (e.g. clamping jaws, water-cooled copper braids, etc.)

  • Technological advice and spare parts supply for entire high current systems

  • Maintenance and service of entire installations according to maintenance schedules



  • Steel plants and foundries

  • Manufacturing companies and suppliers




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